Thursday, June 19, 2008
Water Etching and Slip Trailing - July 15, 2008
This is one of my very favorite techniques! Water etching allows you to draw your own freehand art or copyright free images onto the surface of your PMC to create truly one-of-a-kind designs. Don't worry if you're not a freehand artist. I've got some tricks up my sleeve to help you achieve beautiful results with image transfers. Slip trailing is a great technique for using up old, recycled paste and creating some wonderful new looks from your "mistakes." Remember, there is no such things as an ugly piece of PMC jewelry..........It's just not finished yet!
Bezel Setting Gemstones - July 16, 2008
Lucky me.....I'm spending my birthday teaching at Purdue! Come celebrate with me.
Are you itching to learn how to set those big, yummy cabochons that can't be fired in the kiln? Onyx, turquoise, amber, quartz, bring 'em on! This is a hybrid technique I use to "crossover" from metalsmithing to PMC. You'll learn to bezel set the stone and set it on PMC after it has been fired -- shrinkage is done and no longer an issue. Beautiful, perfect results!
July 17........I'm off to Colorado!
Friday, June 6, 2008
ReCreate Your Life! - Classes in the Colorado Rockies
Greetings and welcome!
For many months I've been talking with a friend of mine from Colorado, Susan Whitley, about how cool it would be to combine two of my favorite passions, art and the healing arts. I've always been intrigued by alternative healing modalities -- meditation, journaling, centering, energetic healing -- so when Susan suggested a collaborative effort, it was a done deal!
Susan is a Reiki Master and has recently manifested her dream of opening The Reiki Center of the Rockies in Edwards, CO, the perfect setting for our workshop. Using guided imagery, meditation, and journaling, Susan will be guiding students through the process of clearing out negative, unwanted, self-limiting energy, and, in turn, bringing in some really good artistic ju-ju. On day 2, we'll create a fine silver chakra pendant honoring our inner artist and reminding us to keep to the path of creativity and self-awareness.
I hope you can join us for one or both of these gratifying and expansive workshops.
ReCreate Your Life!
With Energy Balancing, Aromatherapy & Art!
2 Day Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, July 26 and 27
Wednesday & Thursday, July 30 and 31
Connecting with our creative energy center opens the door to re-infusing our lives with purpose & passion! Combining energy balancing, aromatherapy & artistic expression realigns our inner self with our outward expression!
Energy clearing, balancing and refocusing through guided meditation techniques, journaling and essential flower & plant oils. This day of communing with our inner artist will assist us in reconnecting with our true creative self & open our channels of creativity. Facilitated by Susan Whitley, Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master, Intuitive and Journalist.
Designing & creating a unique, fine silver (.999) and gemstone pendant using the Precious Metal Clay (PMC) process. Your jewelry will reflect your creative process and serve as a lovely remembrance of your re-connection with your inner artist! Facilitated by Linda Kline, Internationally recognized Artist, Jewelry Designer & Instructor.
Price: 2 Day Workshop $350. All materials supplied. Light snacks & beverage provided. Workshop location: Reiki Center of the Rockies, Edwards, CO .
For Questions regarding the workshops, or to enroll please call 970-926-6371 or visit