Friday, February 12, 2010

PMC By The Sea - Hot New Classes for 2010

The following classes will be held at my home studio:
9335 Frangipani Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32963

Silver Melt Down!
Friday, February 19, 2010
9:30 until ????
Please bring something for a shared lunch experience with the group.

Got a collection of mistakes and undesirable silver “stuff” you want to recycle? Bring your fired pieces of PMC (.999 fs) and learn the age old process of smelting and broom casting. This is a great way to reuse your ugly silver pieces and recreate them into something new and exciting. Bring an old cookie sheet (one from the Dollar Store is good), an empty tin can, a natural straw whisk broom (can be purchased at Sewell’s Hardware, 707 US Hwy 1.) Wear old clothes and protect your hair with a scarf or hat.

Copper Clay
Monday, February 22, 2010
9:30 until ???
Bring something to share with the group for lunch.

Explore the fundaments of Copper Clay to create unique jewelry components. This class includes copper clay. To avoid cross-contamination, you will need a dedicated set of tools to use with copper. Firing copper clay requires eight hours. Plan to make arrangements to pick up your fired pieces following the class. Also, please bring a small container (an empty PMC3 paste jar works well) to make your own paste.

Stone Setting Workshop: Setting Gemstones That Can’t Take the Heat
Friday, February 26, 2010
9:30 a.m. – until ????
Bring something to contribute to a shared lunch.

First, learn the process of using jeweler’s investment to create a mold of your stone. Then create a pendant with PMC, fire for shrinkage; mount the mold of your stone by creating PMC “prongs” and fire again. This fail proof process gives beautiful results and is a creative way to incorporate unusual and irregularly cut gemstones into your work. Bring your own stone or purchase from the instructor. PMC is available for purchase. Investment provided.

Level 2 Certification
March 5-6, 2010
9:30-4:30 p.m. both days
$375, plus $95 bench fee
Bring lunch

This intermediate/advanced class is open only to those who have completed Level 1. It covers advanced mixed media application and places emphasis on finishing and refining techniques. Four projects are covered including PMC gold and enamels, creating a clasp with fine silver wire insertions, bezel setting cabochons which cannot be fired in the kiln, and multi-textured/mirror-finished designs.

Bronze Clay

Friday, March 12, 2010
9:30 until ???
Bring something to share with the group for lunch.

Explore the fundamentals of Bronze Clay to create unique jewelry components. This class includes bronze clay. To avoid cross-contamination, you will need a dedicated set of tools to work in bronze. Bronze clay requires eight hours to fire. You will need to make arrangements with the instructor to pick up your pieces following the class. Please also bring a small container to make your own bronze paste. An empty PMC paste container works well.

Cold Connections – Rivets, Screws, and Other Quirky Ways to Join “Stuff”
Friday, March 19, 2010
9:30 a.m. – until ????
Bring something for a shared lunch.

Sometimes it isn’t appropriate to use heat to join components. Let’s explore some added options for assemblage. Cold Connections -- rivets, screws, and other elements -- can make an added artistic statement, give dimension, and perhaps even give movement to our work. Micro findings (screws, washers, rivets, etc.) will be provided. Bring your own “stuff” (found objects such as odd earrings, etc.) and we’ll come up with something kwirky, fun, and whimsical.

Level 3 Certification
March 26-27, 2010
9:30-4:30 p.m. each day
$375, plus $95 bench fee
Bring lunch

Create two advanced projects: A hinged box with 24k gold Keum Boo accent; and a pendant set with an unusual gemstone using the jeweler’s investment burnout technique. Very amazing results!

Level 1 Certification
April 16-17, 2010
9-:30-4:30 p.m. both days
$350, plus $85 bench fee
Bring lunch

Five fundamental projects must be completed in two-days: Syringed earrings, a ring, fold-over pendant using two different stone setting techniques, amphora (hollow form) with coiled handles and PMC sheet embellishment, a dried formed, carved pendant. Work will be critiqued and evaluated for artistry and quality of workmanship. Prior PMC experience is encouraged.

Resin, Color, and Captured Images
Friday, April 23, 2010
9:30 – until ????
Bring a dish for a shared lunch.

We explore the various uses of resin as a coloring agent and finishing concept. Bring photos, old images, and found objects for insertion in your designs.

Classes at Other Locations:

Paper and PMC
February 27, 2010

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Art Mundo at Art Bank
2nd Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL

Create a silver sensation using PMC paste and art paper. These fabulous abstract designs look stunning with gemstones, pearls, and beads! A very fun beginner or intermediate class.

5-Weeks of PMC
Vero Beach Museum of Art
Tuesdays, 9:30-12:30
February 16 till March 16

Covers all types of PMC products and projects. Open to students of all levels.

Vero Beach Museum of Art
PMC and Paper
Friday, April 9, 2010
9:30-3 p.m.

Leaves, Twigs and Organic Components
March 20, 2010
10 a.m - 3 p.m.
Art Mundo at Art Bank
2nd Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL

Solar Plates and PMC
April 10, 2010
10 a.m. - 3p.m.
Art Mundo at Art Bank
2nd Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL

Transform your own art or copyright free art work into texture plates to use with your PMC designs by using solar or UV light.

Create amazing pieces of wearable art from found, organic objects.


Unknown said...

Hi Linda, Sorry I could not take this past Fridays class.
I want to take the March 19th class Cold Conections, will bring the check to class tomarrow. thank you, Helena

Unknown said...

to Linda Klein Designs From Helen @