Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fall Classes 2008

Can you believe how fast summer flew by! Vacations are over, kids are returning to school, and it's time to start thinking about getting an early start on making gifts for the holidays.

Here's what's up for Fall Classes.........

Frederick, MD - September 6-7, 2008
Vero Beach, FL - September 27-28, 2008
Call 866-762-2529 to register

Dichroic Glass for PMC
September 12, 2008
Frederick, MD
Call 772-581-9487 to register

PMC Techniques Weekend -
Photopoly Plate Making Process - Soldering - Water Etching - Slip Trailing and MORE!!
Frederick, MD
September 13-14, 2008
Call 772-581-9487 to register

Frederick, MD - September 20-21
Call 866-762-2529 to register

Introduction to PMC
Vero Beach Museum of Art
Saturday, October 4, 2008
10-4 p.m.
Register by calling 231-0707

Enamels on PMC
Vero Beach Museum of Art
Saturday, October 11, 2008
10-4 p.m.
Register by calling 231-0707

Vero Beach Museum of Art - 7 week class
October 29-December 2, 2008
1:30-4:30 p.m. OR
5:30-8:30 p.m.
Contact the Museum at 231-0707 for registration information

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