Friday, August 29, 2008



Picture yourself with six like-minded jewelry fanatics traveling to the South of Spain! Does life get any better? This trip has been in the making for many, many months and I can't believe it's almost time to start packing our bags.

On October 15 we depart the US for eight nights in Madrid, Seville, Toledo, and Malaga. This custom-designed trip is a dream come true for me and five of my students. We plan to have a total jewelry experience, visiting museums, observing artists at work in their studios, exploring marketplaces and bazaars, and sampling all the cultural decadence of this rich and colorful area. We've even planned a one-day trip to Morocco! We'll be looking for inspiration, texture, techniques, and exploring the history and influence of adornment as it relates to art and social culture. We're sure to come back just buzzing with new ideas and sketch books full of designs.

I'll keep a travelogue of our adventures and keep you updated. I hope that this will be the first of many jewelry tours yet to come.


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